Breakthroughs in Science: Hypersonic Travel
Fox 13: Florida Sun Shine State going Forward to the Future in Technology
Fox 13: Florida Sun Shine State going Forward to the Future in Technology
EcuaVisa: U.S Justicia Partidista., Ahora Enjucien Delincuente Bidance, Trafico de Influencias y Traision
60 Minutes: Making of Criminal Social Medias., Place of Drug Human Traffiking., Pornography, Kidnapp..
Nuclear War: 90% Political Criminal Minds Around the World., Nuclear Weapons should be Forbidden
BBC News: Corrupcion Politica y Judicial en U.S., Juticia NarcoCriminal e Injusticia para Ciudadanos
Testigo Directo: Carteles Mexicanos ahora Gobiernan a U.S Gobierno., NarcoTrafico mas Eficiente
EcuaVisa: Sistema Judicial U.S Corrupto, Favorece NarcoCriminales, HumanoTraficntes, Terrorismo, Etc..
FirstPost: We are on the 2021 Century., It shows in Plain Side How inHumane We are in the Whole World
Testigo Directo: NarcoTraficantes fuera de Control y Gran Poder Criminal., Sociedad en Peligro
TeleAmazonas: Gobierno de Noboa Resuelve Problemas Electricos Creados por Finanzas Mafiosas