Russian Navy Fleet, including Frigate, Nuclear-Powered Sub, arrived in Cuba….06-13-2024
AlJazeera: Russians bring heavy weaponry to U.S Borders, giving U.S Gov. some of won Medicine
AlJazeera: Russians bring heavy weaponry to U.S Borders, giving U.S Gov. some of won Medicine
Vantage: Political Corrupted Leaders Meet at Italy., Only one Cheer is P. Minister Meloni
New York Post: Robot Delinquent Bidance., Programed to Salud Italian Minister Giorgia Meloni
BBC News: ALKADA., Terrorist Organization U.S Made, Now, Terrorist against U.S., We Wonder Why
Poblacion Zero: Tech Industrial son Directos Culpables de la Destrucion del Planeta Tierra
EcuaVisa: Orden y Seguridad Social es Prioridad que la Ciudadania pide para poder ViViR y Trabajar
Accident Files: Aviation Asults are Results of Governments Financing Terrorist around the World