Facebook Makes Unexpected Trump Announcement that Will Have Liberals ABSOLUTELY Freaking out…. 11-17-2022

Facebook Makes Unexpected Trump Announcement that Will Have Liberals ABSOLUTELY Freaking out…. 11-17-2022

Facebook Makes Unexpected Trump Announcement that Will Have Liberals ABSOLUTELY Freaking out

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3 thoughts on “Facebook Makes Unexpected Trump Announcement that Will Have Liberals ABSOLUTELY Freaking out…. 11-17-2022

  1. Una manipulaciΓ³n mediΓ‘tica, el discurso siempre es el mismo.; Los grandes de las tecnologΓ­as en redes no dejarΓ‘n caer al ” dueΓ±o de Facebook”

  2. Sin duda facebook posee la atenciΓ³n del gobierno americano; y como no, si son casi lo mismo.

  3. Trump mΓ‘s fuerte que nunca. Si escencia calΓ³ en los norteamΓ©ricanos.

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