Diana Salazar: Corrupta |Villavicencio: Extorsionador |Zurita: Vacunador |Las fichas del Anticorreismo…. 11-07-2024
Fiscalia Ecuatoriana presumiblemente en Corrupcion Asambleistas Periodismos....
Fiscalia Ecuatoriana presumiblemente en Corrupcion Asambleistas Periodismos....
American People Judging Joke Bidance & La Mala Harris 4 Years Job, November 5 2024 Sentence Day....
Asesinatos Secretos de Gobierno de Ecuador, No F.B.I, No Fiscalia terminan la Investigacion....
Secrets behind History; Reptilians among Us, We wonder why some Humans don't behave like Humans....
Environmental Dirty Business, one World Economic F. don't Talk about; Destruction of Planet Earth....
Donald Trump: 47th President of U.S America, Day of Terrorist, NarcoTraffickers, Humans, Etc. are Over..
Donald Trump means Business, Not a Simple Law Politician, they don't Know any Better....
Donald Trump dancer President
Rockefeller Total Control of DemonCraC.I.A of American Children & the World....
Venezuela: Hermosas MontaΓ±as, lugar de vicitas ExtraTerrestres o Aliens....