Trump Announces new Cabinet Positions for Gabard, Gaetz and Rubio…. 11-13-2024
America is looking gooooood so Far.., Trump's Nominees bring better Future to U.S of America....
America is looking gooooood so Far.., Trump's Nominees bring better Future to U.S of America....
Inisiativa Trump es Antigua, Ley Toraica pena de Muerte por Secuestro y Violacion....
Governments waste Money like No Tomorrow by taxes to people to pay wasteful Behavior....
Persecucion Politica: Corecta accion Ejecutiva o Violacion a la Constitucion..?
Temor por supuestos apagones de hasta 24 horas
No Solo Maduro, Sen. Marcos Ruvio debe comenzar por su Casa, Cuba, y terminar en Nicaragua....
Clearly Migrant's Problems Start at Countries of Origin, Corrupted Governments or NarcoGovernments....
Presumiblemente Sra. Fiscal y CompaΓ±ia, estan involucrados en Secretos de Ley Investigativos....
Migrant Problems Start at Countries with Corrupted Governments or NarcoGovernments....
Reserva Privada Federal de Bancos son Responsables Directos de las Guerras y Pobreza Mundial....