CorreΓsmo sin Votos en Asamblea para destituir a la Fiscal Diana Salazar | Televistazo…. 05-14-2024
EcuaVisa: Grupos Politicos en Complicidad con Mafias Criminales
EcuaVisa: Grupos Politicos en Complicidad con Mafias Criminales
Cambio Climatico: ANOMALIA desconocida., puede ser factor Natural o Humano
VanTage: Climate Change is Natural & Human Interactions to Mention Weather Chemical Manipulation
SolarStorms: Well Explained what Happens when We are Hit by Solar Storms, be Aware..
Solar Storms: Solar even We have to consider and be prepare to face down Power and Equipments
Garvitas News: Eviden of Universal Flood Really Happened & It can Happens again
TRT World: Clear Evidences Big Techs are Greatest Polluters of Planet Earth., too many Chemicals
Weather Super Tornadoes: Danger of Super Tornadoes by Climate Change or Weather Manufacture
TeleAmazonas: InfraEstructuras Descuidadas., Necesita mejor Administeacion para Evitar Accidentes
IOWA TORNADOS: Fury of Nature at its Best, We are doing something very wrong